Keys to Variable Data Printing in Direct Mail

Variable DataVariable data printing (VDP) allows companies to send personalized mailers to their clients. It is popular in direct mail on a large scale. Variable data printing is a form of digital printing, including on-demand printing, in which elements such as text, graphics, and images may be changed from one printed piece to the next, without stopping or slowing down the printing process and using information from a database or external file. The process is similar to “mail merge”; the automatic addition of names and addresses from a database to letters and envelopes in order to facilitate sending mail. Variable data printing is essentially a supercharged form of customization that allows for targeted marketing. VDP can be used interchangeably with VI (variable imaging) or VIP (variable information printing).

The Benefits of Variable Data Direct Mail Marketing

Using variable data in your next direct mail marketing campaign will reap overall positive results. Clients and customers alike are attracted to personalization. More precise targeting allows for a better approach than previous methods. Pieces are personalized and more likely to receive a positive response. Increased response rates allow for smaller direct mail campaigns, saving you precious time and money. Most businesses benefit from the use of direct mail campaigns- why not be smart when you do? Below is a variable data benefit summary:

  • Higher response rate
  • Precisely targeted mailers
  • Improved ROI
  • Cutting costs

Best Formats for Variable Data Printing

The formats below can engage customers to convey value and capture attention.

  • Postcards
  • Envelopes
  • Folded Self-Mailers
  • Brochures

Almost every component of a direct mail piece can be personalized. Anywhere there is data that sets one prospect or customer apart from another, there is opportunity to use a variable element.

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