We are so excited to announce that we have won five best in category Graphex Awards for the work we completed in 2019!
We are so incredibly proud of our designers, marketers, and production geniuses involved with these projects! Here is a summary of the Integ Graphex Awards for 2020.
Best in Category for THEY SAID IT COULDN’T BE DONE – The Activate Campaign
We designed this piece to be a useful resource for the sales team to present our services in an engaging way. Using Scanimation technology, the graphic images representing our services animate as they are pulled from the sleeve. Once you pull out the individual page for each service, the backside of the page lists details of each service. Check out this video displaying each Scanimation design!
Best in Category for Announcements & Invitations – Print 2 Engage Lunch N’ Learn Invitation
For our Fall 2019 Lunch N’ Learn, we had the privilege of hosting Trish Watowski from Fold Factory as our speaker. She brought with her a wealth of knowledge on how simple print pieces can be transformed to be something your target audience can’t help but notice. We wanted our invitation to be just as engaging as her lecture would be, so we created a design that would be branded on all of our event materials. Upon opening the invitation, a pop-up tab asks you to RSVP today.
Best in Category for Books, softcover – Breakaway Ministries | God Stories
Breakaway Ministries has been incredibly influential in the lives of A&M students for years. With all the incredible stories they have accumulated, they wanted to present them in a beautiful and interesting way. This small booklet makes a big impact. This is a great example of how you can use simple techniques to create something engaging and memorable.
Best in Category for Printer’s Self Promotion, Offset (Individual Pieces) – Aha! Lunch N’ Learn Invitation, Timeline Handout, and Table Tent
At our Spring 2019 Aha! Lunch N’ Learn, we focused on creating customer “Aha” moments when planning events. Autumn Outlaw, the Director of Marketing and Communications for the Greater Chamber of Waco, walked through our timeline of how to plan an event, down to how many days or weeks to order certain pieces needed.

Best in Category for Unique Folds, Pop-Ups, Assembly Techniques, Involvement Devices – Exploration Pop-Up Invite
Texas A&M University is always eager to send out an extremely interesting piece, especially to invite an elite group of innovators to a special event. Exploration Day is a showcase of special educational experiences. Guests are able to witness transformation animal care, professors willing to take experiments outside of the lab, technologically advanced cars, and many other instances where Texas A&M professors are changing the academic atmosphere. For such an exclusive and exciting event, Texas A&M wanted an invitation to match. The Pop-Up, three-dimensional TAMU landmarks can’t help but make the viewer go “Wow!” With the addition of the inserted detailed information for the actual invitation, an RSVP card, and a pre-addressed return envelope, this is truly a holistic and unique piece.
Thanks again to the clients who dreamt big, the designers who helped them achieve their dreams, and the production team who worked so hard! We would not be able to add another five to the Integ Graphex Awards collection without everyone who helped make it happen!